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Online Gift Shop of the Liberty Aviation Museum

Product Image WWII Grumman TBM Avenger Lake Erie Warbirds T-shirt

WWII Grumman TBM Avenger Lake Erie Warbirds T-shirt

¥3,700 ¥3,900

100% cotton TBM Avenger Lake Erie Warbirds (Charlie Cartledge)  T-Shirt.

FRONT of T-shirt: "TBM Avenger, The Name Says it All" , along with the Eastern Aircraft Division, General Motors Corporation logo.

BACK of T-shirt: with the words, "The Giant is Awake, TBM Avenger, & Lake Erie Warbirds" and an actual photo of the TBM Avenger flying! 

**Some sizes may be available direct with Lake Erie Warbirds.  Please email lakeeriewarbirds@gmail.com


Available Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL. 

Available color: Light grey