Hemlock Films presents an Adam White film "The Restorers" Giving history a future...
[From the back cover]
"Many antique aircraft perform at today's airshows and races worldwide. How did those aircraft get there? How did they survive all these years?
Warbird and vintage aircraft restorers resurrect planes from the graves of history. Their works often haven't flown in over 75 years and are in the worst of conditions. Aircraft restorers come from a wide spectrum-from the everyday guy who is rebuilding a biplane in his garage, to a corporation that specializes in warbird reconstruction. What type of person does it take to sink sometimes millions of dollars and years of their life into a plane that may just be a footnote in history? The Restorers will find out."
DVD Features: Widescreen Presentation (16X9 letterboxed) Deleted Scenes/ Promotional Trailer/Photo Gallery/Filmmaker's Commentary.
Copyright 2003 The Restorers
Narration: James Kisicki Music: Keith Nickoson Sound: Kevin Hines Direction & Photography: Adam White