My Very Dearest Anna: My Grandparents' Letters from WWII by Kara Martinelli
[From the back cover]
World War II was raging. Everyone was stepping up to do their part, including my Grandpa, Richard B. Moore. In 1943, he joined the Army Air Corps, a small town boy heading off to fly with the 5th Air Force in the Pacific. But before he could leave, he had to go see about a girl....
My Grandparents fell in love through their letters, separated by a world at war. Their story is told through the mail they exchanged, followed the path of my Grandpa's training to his bomber missions in the Pacific Theatre. When the war ended, it was finally time to come home to his awaiting Anna.
Grandpa used to sit with me and share his stories about his time in the Air Corps. I didn't want his memories that were so important to him to never be told again. So I filled in the holes between their letters to complete their story. This is the story of how my family began."
Copyright 2011 Hemlock Films & Kara Martinelli